International Presence and Publications
AV-TEST security experts are worldwide sought-after contacts and consultants. As speakers at international conferences and symposiums, they provide information on the Institute's latest research findings. In dialog with manufacturers, and as members of advisory committees of government bodies, our experts regularly present the trends in IT security and provide advice on the development of relevant strategies for averting risks.
In this area, you will find a selection of publicly-available conference articles and scientific publications for download.
Do you require advisory services, or would you like one of our security experts to participate in your conference? We look forward to hearing from you.

Evaluation of an Additional Security Feature for VPN’s
AV-TEST-Report (11/2024). Commissioned by NordSec.

Advanced EDR test 2024: Bitdefender Endpoint Security
AV-TEST-Report (08/2024). Commissioned by Bitdefender.

Advanced EDR test 2024: Seqrite XDR
AV-TEST-Report (08/2024). Commissioned by Seqrite.

Advanced EDR test 2024: Acronis Cyber Protect with advanced security + EDR pack
AV-TEST-Report (07/2024). Commissioned by Acronis.

Advanced EDR test 2024: Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert
AV-TEST-Report (07/2024). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

Advanced EDR test 2024: WithSecure Elements Endpoint Detection and Response
AV-TEST-Report (07/2024). Commissioned by WithSecure.

Kaspersky Safe Kids Premium: Parental Control Test 2023
AV-TEST-Report (05/2024). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

Evaluation of Netskope Intelligent Security Service Edge
AV-TEST-Report (01/2024). Commissioned by Netskope.

Kaspersky VPN Test Report 2023
AV-TEST-Report (12/2023). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

PC Matic VPN Test Report 2023
AV-TEST-Report (12/2023). Commissioned by PC Matic.

Advanced EDR Test 2023: Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and Response Expert
AV-TEST report (12/2023). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

Advanced EDR Test 2023: Bitdefender's Endpoint Security Tools
AV-TEST report (12/2023). Commissioned by Bitdefender.

Evaluation of Skyhigh Security Service Edge
AV-TEST report (11/2023). Commissioned by Skyhigh.

Evaluation of iboss Zero Trust Security Service Edge
AV-TEST report (03/2023). Commissioned by iboss.

Evaluation of Vercara UltraDDR (UltraDNS Detection and Response)
AV-TEST report (02/2023). Commissioned by Vercara.

Evaluation of ForeNova NovaCommand
AV-TEST report (01/2023). Commissioned by ForeNova.

Kaspersky Safe Kids: Parental Control Certification Test 2022
AV-TEST report (12/2022). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

Evaluation of Netskope Intelligent Security Service Edge
AV-TEST report (07/2022). Commissioned by Netskope.

Malware as weapon
secIT by Heise 2022, Hanover, Germany
Maik Morgenstern

Kaspersky Safe Kids: Parental Control Certification Test 2021
AV-TEST report (02/2022). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

Advanced Endpoint Protection: Ransomware Protection test
AV-TEST report (09/2021). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

Personal Identifiable Information Protection: Sensitive Data Discovery test
AV-TEST report (08/2021). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

Test Report of TotalAV for Android
AV-TEST report (10/2020). Commissioned by

AV-TEST Evaluates Secure Web Gateway and DNS-Layer Security Efficacy
AV-TEST report (10/2020). Commissioned by Cisco.

Results of the Windows 10 Test for "Sangfor Endpoint Security Protection"
AV-TEST report (09/2020). Commissioned by Sangfor.

Kaspersky Safe Kids: Parental Control Certification Test
AV-TEST report (06/2020). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

Zscaler Internet Security Protection Test
AV-TEST report (06/2020). Commissioned by Zscaler.

Test of McAfee Endpoint Security for Linux
AV-TEST report (11/2019). Commissioned by McAfee.

Advanced Endpoint Protection: Fileless Threats Protection test
AV-TEST report (09/2019). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

Remediation Testing Report
AV-TEST report (08/2018). Commissioned by Enigma Software Group.

Privacy issues in mobile health applications. Assessment of current Android Health Apps
Electronic Imaging Conference 2017, Burlingham, California, USA
Anett Hoppe

Ransomware Test of Padvish AntiCrypto
AV-TEST report (12/2017). Commissioned by Padvish.

Full Product Test of Palo Alto Networks Traps
AV-TEST report (07/2017). Commissioned by Palo Alto Networks.

Remediation Testing Report
AV-TEST report (02/2017). Commissioned by Enigma Software Group.

Allgemeine Bedrohungslage / Informationen zur IT-Sicherheit (only available in German).
GDD ERFA-Kreis Tagung Sachsen-Anhalt, Krottorf, Germany.
Olaf Pursche

Anti Virus Industry’s future challenge: PUA.
AVAR 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
David Walkiwicz, Maik Morgenstern

Security vs. Privacy – "Analysis of Privacy Policies of IT-Security Software".
WorldCIS 2016, London, UK.
Anett Hoppe

Sicherheitstests und Zertifizierung von IoT- und Smart-Home-Produkten (only available in German).
Versicherungsforen Leipzig – Fachkonferenz “Smart Home”, Leipzig, Germany.
Maik Morgenstern

The AV-TEST Security Report 2015/2016
AV-TEST report.
Olaf Pursche

Sicheres Design im Internet of Things (only available in German).
Internet of Things, Munich, Germany.
Eric Clausing

Sicherheit auf Kosten der Privatsphäre? (only available in German)
Internet Security Days 2016, Brühl, Germany.
Anett Hoppe

Interactive Graphical Exploration of Malware Behavior
CARO Workshop 2016, Bucharest, Romania.
Maik Morgenstern, Lennart Hoffmann

PUA - Distribution and Detection
CARO Workshop 2016, Bucharest, Romania.
David Walkiewicz, Maik Morgenstern

Internet of Things: Security Evaluation of 7 Fitness Trackers on Android and the Apple Watch
AV-TEST report.
Eric Clausing, Michael Schiefer

Everything is a Target. Your Health Data is Next.
CeBIT 2016, Heise Security Plaza, Hanover, Germany.
Eric Clausing

Symantec Endpoint Protection Cloud Cross-platform Protection Test
AV-TEST report (11/2016). Commissioned by Symantec.

Symantec Endpoint Protection Cloud Comparison Test for Android: Protection
AV-TEST report (11/2016). Commissioned by Symantec.

Trend Micro Comparison Test: Performance
AV-TEST report (08/2016). Commissioned by Trend Micro.

Trend Micro Comparison Test: Protection
AV-TEST report (08/2016). Commissioned by Trend Micro.

Trend Micro Comparison Test: Protection and Performance
AV-TEST report (08/2016). Commissioned by Trend Micro.

Remediation Testing Report
AV-TEST report (05/2016). Commissioned by Enigma Software Group.

Invincea Endpoint Protection Test
AV-TEST report (04/2016). Commissioned by Invincea.

Zscaler Cloud Web Gateway Test
AV-TEST report (04/2016). Commissioned by Zscaler.

Internet of Things: Security Evaluation of 9 Fitness Trackers.
Eric Clausing, Michael Schiefer, Ulf Lösche, Maik Morgenstern

You Are The Target In The Internet-of-Things.
AVAR 2015, Danang, Vietnam.
Maik Morgenstern

Sicherheitslage Android (only available in German).
Sicherheitskooperation Cybercrime, Hanover, Germany.
Olaf Pursche, Hendrik Pilz

Everything is a Target. Your Health Data is Next.
Internet Security Days 2015, Brühl, Germany.
Maik Morgenstern

Tracking Me, Tracking You, There is Nothing We Can Do (only available in German).
MetaRheinMainChaosDays 2015, Darmstadt, Germany.
Eric Clausing

The Internet of Things – Or – Security: The Forgotten Feature.
AVAR 2014, Sydney, Australia.
Andreas Marx

7 Smart-Home-Starter-Kits im Sicherheits-Test (only available in German).
Michael Schiefer, Ulf Lösche, Maik Morgenstern

Android Mobile Security im Langzeittest (Only available in German).
CeBIT 2014, Heise Security Plaza, Hanover, Germany.
Hendrik Pilz

Effizienz im Test (Only available in German).
CeBIT 2014, Heise Security Plaza, Hanover, Germany.
Erik Heyland

Vom Spam zum Test - Malware-Analyse bei der AV-TEST GmbH (Only available in German).
CeBIT 2014, Heise Security Plaza, Hanover, Germany.
Ulf Lösche

Exploit Protection on Windows XP
AV-TEST report (11/2014). Commissioned by Tencent.

Exploit Protection on Windows XP
AV-TEST report (07/2014). Commissioned by Tencent.

Virtual Desktops Security Test Report
AV-TEST report (05/2014). Commissioned by Kaspersky.

Exploit Protection on Windows XP
AV-TEST report (04/2014). Commissioned by Qihoo 360.

Beyond Testing: What Really Matters.
Virus Bulletin Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Andreas Marx

Beyond Testing: What Really Matters.
Microsoft Security Response Alliance Summit (MSRA) 2013, Redmond, WA, USA.
Andreas Marx

Spam – More Dangerous than Ever Before
A New AV-TEST Study: Dangerous Spam E-Mails
Markus Selinger

Google vs. Bing: Search Engines Deliver Infected Websites as Their Top Results.
A New AV-TEST Study: Search Engines as Malware Providers.
Markus Selinger

Android Security Product Testing
AVAR 2012, Hangzhou, China.
Maik Morgenstern, Andreas Marx

Building a test environment for Android anti-malware tests.
Virus Bulletin Conference, Dallas, Texas, USA.
Hendrik Pilz

Useful and useless statistics about viruses and anti-virus programs.
CARO Workshop, Helsinki, Finland.
Maik Morgenstern, Hendrik Pilz

Testing Exploit-Prevention Mechanisms in Anti-Malware Products.
CARO Workshop, Budapest, Hungary.
Andreas Marx, Maik Morgenstern

Why “in-the-cloud” scanning is not a solution.
Virus Bulletin Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
Maik Morgenstern, Andreas Marx

Runtime Packer Testing Experiences.
CARO Workshop, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands.
Maik Morgenstern, Andreas Marx

Malware vs. Anti-Malware: (How) Can We Still Survive?
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Andreas Marx

Anti-Stealth Fighters: Testing for Rootkit Detection and Removal.
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Andreas Marx, Maik Morgenstern

System Cleaning: Getting rid of malware from infected PCs.
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Maik Morgenstern, Andreas Marx

Testing of "Dynamic Detection".
AVAR Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Maik Morgenstern, Andreas Marx

The WildList is Dead, Long Live the WildList!
Virus Bulletin Conference, Vienna, Austria.
Andreas Marx, Frank Dessmann

Test Strategies & Common Mistakes.
CARO Workshop, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Andreas Marx

Runtime Packers: The Hidden Problem?
Black Hat Conference, Las Vegas, USA.
Tom Brosch, Maik Morgenstern

Test von Anti-Virus-Software (only available in German).
CAST Forum, Darmstadt, Germany.
Andreas Marx

Viren, Würmer und Trojaner (only available in German).
Heise Security Conference, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Munich, Germany.
Andreas Marx

Insecurity in security software.
Virus Bulletin Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Maik Morgenstern, Andreas Marx, Mary Landesman

The false positive disaster: Anti-Virus vs Winrar & Co.
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Andreas Marx

Scripting AntiVirus Signature File Updates and Testing.
AVAR Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Randy Abrams, Andreas Marx, Mary Landesman

Antivirus outbreak response testing and impact.
Virus Bulletin Conference, Chicago, USA.
Andreas Marx

Outbreak Response Times: Putting AV To The Test.
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Andreas Marx

Rescue Me 2: Disinfection With Bootable Rescue Media.
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Andreas Marx

Anti-Viren-Software als integraler Bestandteil einer IT-Security-Strategie (only available in German).
SeSAM Workshop, Magdeburg, Germany.
Marc Schneider

Antivirus vs Antivirus: False Positives in AV Software.
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Andreas Marx

Malformed Email Project - Part 2.
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Andreas Marx, Mark Ackermans

The Sober Effect: Disinfection Disasters.
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Andreas Marx, Mark Ackermans

Systematisches Testen von Anti-Viren-Software (only available in German).
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. Fakultät für Technische und Betriebliche Informationssysteme, Germany.
Andreas Marx, Claus Rautenstrauch

Rescue Me: Updating Anti-Virus Rescue Systems.
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Andreas Marx

(Porn) Dialers - Another Class of Malware?
Virus Bulletin Magazine.
Andreas Marx

Retrospective testing - how good heuristics really work.
Virus Bulletin Conference, New Orleans, USA.
Andreas Marx

Automatic QA and distribution of AV updates.
Virus Bulletin Conference, Prag, Czech Republic.
Andreas Marx

A Guideline to Anti-Malware-Software testing.
EICAR Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Andreas Marx

Wie testet man Anti-Viren-Software? (only available in German).
VG Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Andreas Marx

Die Geschichte der Computerviren (only available in German).
VG Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Andreas Marx