All posts on Antivirus for Windows topic

Check 2015: Self-Protection of Antivirus Software

Check 2015: Self-Protection of Antivirus Software › ...


October 26, 2015 | Antivirus for Windows

How well do security packages protect themselves against threats? Already in 2014, AV-TEST examined each relevant security software package in terms of whether it used simple protection technologies...

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Linux: 16 Security Packages Against Windows and Linux Malware Put to the Test

Linux: 16 Security Packages Against Windows and Linux Malware Put to...


October 05, 2015 | Antivirus for Windows

As Linux PCs are increasingly used to connect Windows PCs, they ought to use a security package as well. The lab at AV-TEST put 16 current security solutions to the test under Ubuntu – against Linux...

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21 Internet security suites put to the test under Windows 8.1

21 Internet security suites put to the test under Windows 8.1 › ...


September 09, 2015 | Antivirus for Windows

The market offers many good Internet security suites – some even for free. But do the freeware guardians perform as well as those costing money? AV-TEST tested 22 applications and comes to the...

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 Android Apps: 25 system watchdogs – put to the test for 125 days

Android Apps: 25 system watchdogs – put to the test for 125 days › ...


July 07, 2015 | Antivirus for Windows

The AV-TEST Facebook page repeatedly answers the same question: "Which Android app is actually the best?" In order to provide a well-founded answer to this question, the labs at AV-TEST subjected 25...

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Strong protection for corporate networks with Windows 7

Strong protection for corporate networks with Windows 7 › ...


July 01, 2015 | Antivirus for Windows

Windows 7 is the most widely used operating system in companies. It is run on at least one out of two PCs. The newer Windows 8.1 was unable to have any effect on these numbers. AV-TEST examined 11...

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Internet Security Packages: the best products at modest prices

Internet Security Packages: the best products at modest prices › ...


June 29, 2015 | Antivirus for Windows

AV-TEST lab recently tested 22 Internet security suites for their protection, performance and usability. Well-known suites that charge a fee for their services scored the best results. Depending upon...

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 Endurance Test: Does antivirus software slow down PCs?

Endurance Test: Does antivirus software slow down PCs? › ...


April 28, 2015 | Antivirus for Windows

Critics maintain that protection software for Windows really puts the brakes on PCs. In a 14-month, extremely comprehensive performance endurance test, AV-TEST examined the trade-off of performance...

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 It's that easy to protect corporate networks under Windows 7

It's that easy to protect corporate networks under Windows 7 › ...


February 11, 2015 | Antivirus for Windows

Seldom have cyber-attacks and corporate espionage been a hotter topic than of late. Because for many companies, data is their main capital, and it's up to them to protect this precious asset. AV-TEST...

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Windows 7: The best security packages at the end of mainstream support

Windows 7: The best security packages at the end of mainstream support...


February 02, 2015 | Antivirus for Windows

Microsoft announced the end of mainstream support for Windows 7 as of January 13, 2015. Effective immediately, only essential security updates are available, and nothing else. That is why you ought to...

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