All posts on Antivirus for Windows topic

 The Protection Provided by Security Solutions for the Office Workplace on Windows 8 Systems

The Protection Provided by Security Solutions for the Office...


February 04, 2014 | Antivirus for Windows

Which option provides better protection for your company PC: the protection solution from Microsoft supplied with computers as a server/client package or a product from a well-known security software...

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The End Is Nigh for Windows XP: These Anti-Virus Software Products Will Continue to Protect XP after the End of Support

The End Is Nigh for Windows XP: These Anti-Virus Software Products...


January 15, 2014 | Antivirus for Windows

On 8th April 2014, the time will finally have come for Microsoft to stop its support services for Windows XP and cease to provide security updates and other forms of assistance for the operating...

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 Microsoft Puts XP in the Firing Line

Microsoft Puts XP in the Firing Line ›


December 18, 2013 | Antivirus for Windows

Microsoft will be completely stopping all of its support services for Windows XP, including important security updates, on 8th April 2014. As a result, it will no longer be possible for users to patch...

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9 Endpoint Security Suites Complete an Endurance Test on Consistent Security

9 Endpoint Security Suites Complete an Endurance Test on Consistent...


October 09, 2013 | Antivirus for Windows

Between March and August 2013, the AV-TEST experts permanently tested 9 solutions designed for small and medium-sized companies. The results of these 6 months of work revealed that there are indeed a...

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The Best Internet Security Suites for Windows Complete an Endurance Test Lasting 6 Months

The Best Internet Security Suites for Windows Complete an Endurance...


August 19, 2013 | Antivirus for Windows

After three complex tests and six months of work between January and June 2013, the laboratory experts at AV-TEST have now achieved their objective: The first part of the company’s endurance test is...

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Perfect Protection for XP at Home or at the Office

Perfect Protection for XP at Home or at the Office › ...


May 29, 2013 | Antivirus for Windows

In March and April 2013, the anti-virus test laboratory AV-TEST not only tested 26 protection packages for private use, but also nine business solutions for Windows XP. After all, both of these areas...

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26 Protection Programs Undergo Our First Test Using Windows 8

26 Protection Programs Undergo Our First Test Using Windows 8 › ...


April 07, 2013 | Antivirus for Windows

Test: Internet Security Packages – 1/2013. Windows 8 is considered to be a secure system thanks to its internal protection package containing Windows Defender, System Tools and Firewall. AV-TEST...

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