Remediation Testing Report
In July 2018, AV-TEST performed a test of Enigma Software Group SpyHunter remediation capabilities. The test has been run on a clean Windows 10 (RS3, 64-bit). The same disk image was used on several identical PCs.
The malware test corpus for the remediation test consisted of 12 samples and was divided into two parts. Test Part 1: First the image was infected with one of the malware samples. The next step was trying to install the security product, scanning the PC and removing any threats that have been found. Test Part 2: In the second part the AV was disabled to infect the system. Then the AV was enabled again and to ensure that all components of the AV are enabled correctly a reboot was performed. The next step was trying to remediate the system and performing a system scan additionally.
SpyHunter scored very good in both test parts and managed to clean 10 out of 12 samples completely. All active parts of the malware were cleaned by SpyHunter.