April 12, 2023 | Commissioned tests
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Evaluation of Vercara UltraDDR (UltraDNS Detection and Response)

In February 2023, AV-TEST performed a test of the Vercara UltraDDR, focusing on blocking malicious URLs and phishing websites as well as false positive avoidance. The test is evaluating the protection at 'time zero' as well as on differences in the detection found four hours later.

A test commissioned by Vercara

and performed by AV-TEST GmbH


In order to ensure a fair review, Vercara did not supply any samples (such as malicious or clean samples, URLs or associated metadata) and did not influence or have any prior knowledge of the samples tested or the testing methodology. All links and malicious samples tested were verified by AV-TEST as recent and active.

The test focused on the detection rate of links pointing directly to portable executables (PEs) malware (e.g., EXE files), links pointing to other forms of malicious files (e.g., html, JavaScript) as well as phishing URLs. A total of 3,224 malicious samples were tested in the first run. After filtering out the CDNs/FH and reducing the sample set to unique domains the remaining samples consist of 735 phishing URLs, 441 PE malware URLs and 804 non-PE malware URLs.

Besides this, we evaluated the false positive rates using downloads for well-known applications from http and https websites. An additional false positive test was performed against known clean popular websites from Alexa’s top list. A total of 2,523 test cases were used.

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